Sunday, 21 July 2013


Hey guys, things have been a bit quiet recently while everyone's been taking advantage of the beautiful weather, but we're back and we mean business!

As well as rehearsing for our Fantastic October Spectacular (I will think of a better name for it one day) and a fundraiser with the Briton Ferry silver band, we've also been invited to perform for a local branch of the Women's Institute and a hen party!

All the members are super excited (especially as the hen party will probably involve a little bit of alcohol). I'm not sure if we're quite raucous enough for hen party but tonight we've been going through songs and we've got some AMAZING stuff lined up: Aretha Franklin, Donna Summer and The Weather Girls - it's gonna be pretty bloody fabulous.

Also, just wanted to show off this lovely picture that we've had back of the group performing at Jo and Lee's wedding a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately I couldn't be there for the service (stupid work) but the girls said it was a really lovely service.
Sadly they were mid-song so there are some preeeetty hilarious faces in this picture

That's all for now guys, but I'll make sure to keep you guys posted.

See you next post, Catrin X

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