Sunday, 25 August 2013

Glee's big day out!

First off, a huge thank you to Darren from the Canal Side Sanctuary for inviting us to sing at his walk today! The walk, which took place along the Neath Canal, was a community outing for anyone to come to enjoy the company and learn about the history of the area from local historian, Robert King.

It was fab to see so many people coming out to support the sanctuary and also enjoy our singing. Best of all the weather stayed lovely (and most importanatly dry!) for our first ever al fresco gig.

Us Glee girls sang some traditional Welsh songs to get everyone into the spirit at the beginning of the walk and welcomed them all back to the local pub with some Bonnie Tyler, Journey, Rainbow and more!

Again, big thank you to Darren and to everyone who turned out to support the sanctuary, who are doing some pretty awesome work within the community, and we hope to do it again soon!

If you want to learn more about the Canal Side Sanctuary, you can check out their Facebook page:!/CanalSideSanctuaryNeath?fref=ts

See you next post, Catrin X

Sunday, 4 August 2013

We're famous! (Sort of)

At least, in the Neath Port Talbot area, anyway.

Things have been a bit crazy lately in glee, bookings have been pouring in from all over and we're officially booked all the way up until Christmas.

It's pretty awesome to be invited to so many events, the rest of 2013 is going to be rather hectic to say the least!

Among the many groups we'll be performing for are The Canal Side Sanctuary, who you can find at!/CanalSideSanctuaryNeath?fref=ts - These guys work really hard, operating mainly in their own home, they rescue and rehome loads of animals and are always raising money to expand their sanctuary and save many more animals.

We'll also be performing at an event for Neath Port Talbot's alzheimer's society; a charity that does a lot of important work in the community and we're very excited and grateful to be invited to help such a great organisation.

That's all the news for now guys, if you'd like to book us for an event you can find us on Facebook or contact us through our own website, links for both of which are on the right.

See you next post, Catrin X

Sunday, 21 July 2013


Hey guys, things have been a bit quiet recently while everyone's been taking advantage of the beautiful weather, but we're back and we mean business!

As well as rehearsing for our Fantastic October Spectacular (I will think of a better name for it one day) and a fundraiser with the Briton Ferry silver band, we've also been invited to perform for a local branch of the Women's Institute and a hen party!

All the members are super excited (especially as the hen party will probably involve a little bit of alcohol). I'm not sure if we're quite raucous enough for hen party but tonight we've been going through songs and we've got some AMAZING stuff lined up: Aretha Franklin, Donna Summer and The Weather Girls - it's gonna be pretty bloody fabulous.

Also, just wanted to show off this lovely picture that we've had back of the group performing at Jo and Lee's wedding a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately I couldn't be there for the service (stupid work) but the girls said it was a really lovely service.
Sadly they were mid-song so there are some preeeetty hilarious faces in this picture

That's all for now guys, but I'll make sure to keep you guys posted.

See you next post, Catrin X

Friday, 12 July 2013

Too hot to blog!

Sorry guys, I've totally been neglecting you!

 Between Wales being super hot at the moment and my extreme laziness I have let the blog suffer, and for that I am truly sorry.

I just wanted to make a quick little post so you know that I'm still alive. It's been to long, let's have a catch up!

Unfortunately we didn't meet last week because we all agreed that the weather was too nice to be sweating out some showtunes in a chuch hall, we will try to carry on rehersals through summer as we have a lot of prep for upcoming stuff to do but if the weather is as unusually gorgeous as it has been this week I will probably be somewhere drinking mojitoes instead.

We also hit 300 views earlier this week, which as I've said before, is crazy for us, so big thanks everyone. You guys are awesome!

So sorry for nattering on about nothing, hopefully after rehearsal on sunday I'll have something that's genuinely interesting to write about.

See you next post, Catrin X

Friday, 5 July 2013

Do you like cake?

Yeah, of course you do! Everbody loves cake, right?

Anywho, good news cake lover! I've just started another blog devoted to my baking, I'm hoping to fill it with more awesome recipes over the coming weeks but for now I've put up my new favourite recipe - Double Chocolate Macaroons!

Damn right it sounds awesome! You can check it out here:

Enjoy! Catrin X

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Long time, no see!

Sorry guys, we've been a bit quiet lately (I've just been to lazy to do anything) but we at Goodness Gracious Glee have still got a lot going on.

Prep for out October Musical Spectacular (we're still working on the title) is already getting pretty serious, we're looking for costumes and getting started on choreography and solos, in fact I can hear my sister belting out Chicago from the kitchen as I'm typing.

We've also been booked for a fundraiser in the autumn, we will also be joined by the Briton Ferry silver band, who are pretty damn awesome themselves. An exact date has yet to be confirmed but I'll make sure to keep you guys posted on that one.

Lastly, I just want to show off these amazing hoodies that Carol, GGG member Carrigan's gran made. The photos don't do them any justice because they were taken with my phone, the letters were embroidered on by hand, and they are epic!

See you next post, Catrin  X

Beth modelling like a pro

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Thank you!

Whoop whoop! We hit 200 views of our blog tonight!

I know that in the grand scheme of things it's not all that much, I'm really glad to see the blog going so well after just seven posts!

I won't subject you guys to anymore jibberish tonight, but I just want to say thank you again! You guys are the best!

See you next post, Catrin X